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Old 27 January 2013, 02:44   #1
Posts: n/a
ACCUG Archive needs home...


My brother-in-law was an Amiga user (as am I). When he passed away I had to clean up his apartment. One of the things I took with me was an archive of disks from the Albany and Corvallis Commodore User Group (ACCUG).

There are two large boxes of disks. One for Amiga and one for Commodore 64. There are hundreds, if not thousands of disks in the archive.

There was a CD-ROM of the archive amongst his stuff. It seems to contain a myriad of public domain software. I made a torrent of the CD-ROM ISO available through Underground Gamer.

However, I would like the original floppy disks to go to a good home. I found the contact information of a former member of the ACCUG but got no reply when I sent them an email.

I'd prefer the disks go to someone with connection to the ACCUG. If this is not possible I'd prefer for them to go to someone who will take care of them. I will give them away to someone who I feel meets that criteria.

So - can someone help me by either finding someone in the ACCUG who wants the disks or someone else who wants them?


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