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Old 22 January 2013, 23:09   #18
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Originally Posted by TheCyberDruid View Post
It's interesting how much people can interpret from one screenshot.
You really can, seriously, at least presentation-wise, it speaks volumes.

The textures are poor and so is a lot of the object design (look at that thing above the main character's head), this isn't 2D, it's 3D or, if you wish, "2.5D" (2 dimensional representation using 3D graphics, either real time or pre-rendered), the HUD is far from interesting and lacks all knowledge of ui/ux design (and uses a horrible old free font like Neuropol) and if I have not said enough design-wise, you can just stare at that run of the mill flare happening wherever that laser is supposed to be hitting. Also, as others have deducted from screens, it seems gameplay elements, like weapon aiming, are hinted to be more "free" therefore changing the way the game plays and probably breaking it.

I would say this screenshot is just a fan-made mock-up and not any actual game screenshot. If the game exists (this is a rumour spread based on dubious "facts), it might not look like this at all when it's running.
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