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Old 20 January 2013, 13:50   #6
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Since my last post, ive been using the 8gb with PFS3 in direct-scsi mode. With partitions under 4gb with out any problems.

So back to the original problem. Partitions over 4gb, they would just disappear after a reboot, so after a bit of research it was obvious i have to update scsi.device from 40.12. The easiest way seems to be loadmodule in startup-sequence with a patched for a1200 ide scsi.device 43.24 and thats working. And the larger than 4gb partition is not vanishing. Cant report on stability, yet, im copying everything back to that partition now, and that will take most of the night.

By updating the scsi.device ive also had success in getting a second CF card to detect. Maybe ill have to revisit an ide cdrom again, but why would you want a cdrom on an amiga nowadays when you can mount the image?

Next problem, how do get remaining space to report correctly.
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