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Old 28 December 2012, 13:48   #10
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I know what Akira is talking about, in the day, when I owned the A500 & A1200, there was always horizontal adjustments, they were never centered on my Philips CM8833 or my TV at the time. The TV I couldn't center, that's why I ended up buying the monitor for the A500, just so I could center it.

All CRT TV's at the time were never very accurately centered anyway, the adjustments were probably done by some monkey YTS kid who didn't care. With a computer, I guess, the accuracy was far more important than a TV picture because the transmitted picture always had a fair amount of overscan to contend with, and that adjustment was a preference to the person adjusting it.

So my guess is the UK guidelines for the setting, being a standard frequency/voltage at the time, were not accurate as it has to be today and caused the screen to be off center.
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