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Old 11 December 2012, 22:42   #5
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Originally Posted by Mrs Beanbag View Post
I've had an idea since, I wonder if it's possible to use an Arduino to interface directly with a floppy drive's motors and read/write head to get it to read Amiga disks.
So what do you intend to do with the Amiga data once you have read it with the Arduino? It is definitely possible to do, as the drive just outputs a bit stream for you to decode once you've turned the motor on.

Kryoflux already exists, and it was not a trivial effort, but I'm sure the project would be very educational if you intend to recreate that functionality in your own design / code.

I have found people's projects where they are controlling the stepper motor and/or spin motor, and others where they are using the head to store and play back audio data, so it must be possible. "New" Amiga floppy drives? Worth a shot.
And now I don't understand. What is the Arduino's role in making new Amiga floppy drives? All you need is to get the diskchange and ready signals to the correct pins and your PC mechanism is Amiga compatible. No micro controller needed.

Or were you going to make another floppy emulator akin to the HxC or MegaDrive256? I'd recommend looking at something more powerful than an Arduino in that case, mainly so that your device would be faster and more convenient to use. I'm thinking minimum delay in mounting the images/converting adfs to raw data..
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