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Old 10 December 2012, 18:28   #1
Toni Wilen
WinUAE developer
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Hämeenlinna/Finland
Age: 49
Posts: 26,546
WinUAE 2.5.1 beta series

2.5.1 beta series.

This is usual quick 2.5.0 bug fix version. Estimated release date: before Christmas.
I try not to do any GUI changes this time, 2.5.0 translation DLLs should still work with 2.5.1.


Allowed posts in this thread:

- bug reports but make sure bug is NOT in previous offical version. (Old bug -> separate thread)
- comments and suggestion about new features in betas or changed feature in beta. (missing feature or old feature which has not been changed in latest beta series -> separate thread)

Everything else will be deleted, no questions asked. (includes offtopic posts, discussion about pros and cons of public beta testing etc..)

Misc notes:

- "not working" is not a bug report -> instadelete
- always include name of the program. "Everything" or "most games" fail is not a bug report!
- always use quickstart settings. Non-QS setting reports will be ignored unless there is reason why quickstart isn't good idea but still test using quickstart just to confirm! (unless it needs some HD highend config)
- always check logs (both winuaebootlog.txt and winuaelog.txt, don't forget to enable logging in misc-panel) for possible error or warning messages.
- remember to include PC specs + Windows version (if asked)
- graphics error -> include screenshot.
- disk based program -> include CRC32 (mouse over disk history arrow down button will show CRC32) of the image(s) (or SPS ID or full tosec name if from latest set). Plain name of the game is NOT generally enough! (usually there are different cracks, trainers etc..)

As usual, betas may destroy your PC and your sanity

This thread is for general discussion (bad/good/stupid idea/whatever, no trolling or flaming) about public beta testing.

Beta test related PMs or emails will be generally ignored.
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