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Old 27 November 2012, 01:33   #1
Posts: n/a
[Found: Breed 96] moon management game?

It was a public domain game, viewed from above you placed buildings and linked them up with roads, you could build space ships and fight other races or trade with them. Not sure but you might have been able to have more than one base on another moon or planet. Also I think you had to save your base from alien attack on the ground with moon buggies?

Just to add I say moon management as I just remember it looking like a moon surface is grey but it could easily have been a planet, though I don't remember trees or anything like, more like a barren surface.

I know I had to build enough energy stations to maintain my housing etc, usual managment stuff.

Last edited by supertonic; 27 November 2012 at 01:51. Reason: clarificarion
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