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Old 14 September 2012, 11:52   #22
Mark Thompson
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Location: Runcorn, Cheshire (UK).
Age: 46
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Sorry to double-post but I've received two e-mails

Re: Fwd: Some good news...

Hi Mark,

No worries :-)

You’re number 14 on my “to do” list, so your PSX adapters will be posted next week (I’m doing five orders a day at the moment). I’ll let you know when your order has been posted.

Sorry about all this. Once I’m done with all the back-orders I won’t get into this mess again :-S



This was the last e-mail I sent that was probably in those e-mails you deleted but anyway, I'm glad you've taken onboard the system below.

I'm sorry to hear about your health and I hope you're alright, but maybe you should stop taking orders until you've cleared the backlog because I've tried ordering from a different retro website though I couldn't as the shopping area was disabled since he'd been on holiday stating this on the homepage of his website during that so maybe you could put something like first come, first served honouring say the first ten orders before taking anymore stating that you should check back at the website for when you envisage those orders to have been completed. It would also put less stress on you which isn't good for your health. Anyway, still hoping that I'll receive what I ordered. Mark T

Hi Mark,

You’re number 19 on my list. They should go out on Monday :-) All back orders should have gone out 1-2 weeks ago, but my health keeps interfering with my plans :-(

Sorry about the long wait :-(


Just wondering if everything's alright and you haven't forgotten about me. I'm one who ordered 2 PSX to DB9 adapters. Regards, Mark Thompson

*Please note that this is a group e-mail*

Hi All,

I just wanted to update all of you on the order situation...

At the moment I have have 27 orders left to get through, which is not as bad as it sounds. I have set myself a target of 5 orders per day to complete, which is manageable. As you can see, all orders will be made and posted by early next week :-) Some of these orders are for a single item, some for multiple items and some are quick and easy, such as some EPROMs to program.

Some of you have only been waiting a few days since placing your order and others over two months :-O Those of you have been waiting patiently for quite some time now, I appreciate your patience a lot and apologise if I am causing you any anxiety :-S

Please understand that I have no one to help me with my “hobby”, I have to do everything myself. (All items that I have to make are stored in component form, so I have to assemble them as orders come in, from scratch – it’s not as if I have a huge stock of ready-assembled items that I only have to re-pack – if only that were the case!) In addition to orders I sometimes have to squeeze in some Amiga (or other vintage machines) repairs etc. Not to mention I have a wife and four year old daughter that need/want my attention, along with other non-Amiga things that need taking care of from time to time. My health is also not too good sometimes and at these times I don’t get much done :-( Thankfully though, these days are few and far between now it seems :-)

Anyhow, you should expect an e-mail within 1-7 days (depending where you are on the list) with the subject heading “POSTED!” – which is the good news that you have been waiting for ;-)

Many thanks to all of you for ordering from my website and to the many of you that have the patience of a saint!


P.S. I have attached the PSX controller to DB9 adapter manual in PDF format, for those of you who have ordered the PSX to DB9 adapter(s). For those whom the manual is not relevant, you will see what you are missing out on :-P

Last edited by Mark Thompson; 14 September 2012 at 21:32. Reason: Personal
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