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Old 07 September 2012, 10:49   #18
Toni Wilen
WinUAE developer
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Hämeenlinna/Finland
Age: 49
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Originally Posted by chiark View Post
Bear in mind that Cathode is not working with pixels per se, but it's got a vector source (font) to play with: my guess (and it's only a guess) is that it's a lot easier to create a convincing effect with a vector source than it will be with mere pixels...
End result is still pixels and generating curves using vectors is painful.

Pixel shader "only" needs to calculate pixel's distance to center and then use trigonometric functions to calculate pixel offset (and possibly calculate average of nearby pixels if needed to make it smoother).

I'll try to do stupid lens shader just for fun. (Yes, it is far from CRT, I am still not interested in emulating analog artifacts of ancient display technology, Amiga Denise/Lisa output is pure digital, analog is illogical )

Originally Posted by StingRay View Post
Somewhat off topic but, out of curiosity, can you give an example for such demo? As all demos I can remember used lookup tables/precalculated data to achieve the lens effect. Would be nice to see a realtime implementation.
I meant "Real time" = effect was simple (pixel offsetting) and was done in real time, 50fps, instead of ray tracing or similar = easy and fast to simulate in pixel shader. I didn't mean implementation was real time.
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