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Old 04 August 2012, 18:34   #1
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Happy Zak´s Goal! Thread


I am doing a "Real Edition" of the soccer game Goal! from 1993 / Dino Dini and have three questions:
I am searching for the team lineups the way they really played. I made huge progress now, but still have teams missing and jersey numbers are not correct. Question:
1. Is there anybody who could help me complete the Real Edition?

I also want to correct the factory lineups which have been delivered with the game. They are messed up and need to be sorted. I didn´t do much work on that yet. Question:
2. Is there anybody who already has the factory lineups corrected?

I know there is a way to patch the game disks with the corrected teams (Dino Dini File System), but I couldn´t really cope with it. Question:
3. Is there some programming dude who could patch the game disks with the corrected teams? (This could maybe offend the board´s rules?)

Thank you so much for your answers.
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