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Old 22 July 2012, 20:20   #11
FS-UAE Developer
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Førde, Norway
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The database can be downloaded here:

The database contains a *lot* of generated configurations. One of the reasons that there is one file per configuration is so they can be easily put into version control systems, such as git.

So what's needed (eventually) is to verify the configurations, and add/correct information where necessary (e.g if some game or configuration only works with one floppy drive, or needs more than the default memory) and of course add high-quality screens and covers. I'll have to document what options should be used (and create launcher editor GUI for the most common ones).

There is a (disabled) button in the launcher which in the future can be used to display only configurations which have been verified. Also, the star button will be used to only display favorites (when you later can mark configurations as such).

While possible, it is not convenient to manipulate these files directly. You can start the launcher with the "--editor" argument to open a (basic) editor view within the launcher which makes it a bit easier to manage. It should get a simpler interface + features such as drag and drop of files to the image boxes to copy images in place (etc).

I suggest you don't start seriously modifying the database yet until documentation, guidelines (and better tools) are available.

But you can play around with it (and ask questions if you have any so far).

Last edited by FrodeSolheim; 28 July 2012 at 12:41.
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