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Old 17 June 2012, 11:56   #54
Toni Wilen
WinUAE developer
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Hämeenlinna/Finland
Age: 49
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Originally Posted by Dr.Venom View Post
What still strikes me as a bit odd though is that the whdload demo in low latency seems only sensitive to "too high a speed". With that result one would expect the demo also to crash when running fastest possible without vsync at full CPU speed (+0%), but then it works.. This could be a pointer that there's still something in the fastest possible and low latency algorithm that's causing some instability/incompatability.
Anything is possible. It may be just single instruction in specific position that causes the difference.

Originally Posted by Dr.Venom View Post
With regard to the interlace sync issue. I don't know why I didn't notice this before, but the interlace frame type matching works perfectly fine when using WinUAE in "fastest possible" mode. It's only when using either cycle-exact or approximate A500/A1200 that the interlace syncing issue with the looping "interlaced frame type mismatch 1<>0" pops up (also see earlier post). Any idea why it's working in fastest possible and not in cycle exact?
At least Big Time Sensuality whd in approximate mode seems to work fine in interlaced (only single mismatch line or none)

EDIT: updated, perhaps I "accidentally" fixed it

I've been experimenting a bit with the shaders and having a scaled image on my LED screen, and noticed that the "integer scaling" option in filters only scales in steps of 2, i.e. 2,4,6,8. As such it's missing the 3X scaling, and I was wondering if you could add these to the integer scaling options?
It was added in beta 1 and works fine here.

Lastly, when experimenting a bit with the WinUAE.fx shader code I noticed that the built-in bi-lineair filtering option in WinUAE seems to get applied after the shader filter has done its job.
It is basic D3D flag, it is always done after shaders automatically. Only way to do it earlier is to "emulate" it in shaders.

Last edited by Toni Wilen; 17 June 2012 at 13:03.
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