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Old 12 June 2012, 01:02   #52
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Originally Posted by Toni Wilen View Post
Demo or slave timing bug.
I've been testing some more and found that my earlier conclusion on the Axis demo compatibility in fastest possible and low latency vsync (see posts here and here) wasn't fully correct; the CPU Speed throttle does have influence. This would point to it plainly being a demo or slave timing issue, but hang on..

Using earlier attached A1200+fastestpossible+lowlatencyvsync config (see here), and varying CPU speed:

CPU Speed set to -90%,-80%,-70%: demo works
CPU Speed set to -60% or less: demo "crashes" with the earlier reported error.

So adding to the earlier reported results:
  • Fastest possible without vsync: works
  • Fastest possible & legacy vsync: works
  • Fastest possible & low latency vsync
    • CPU Speed -90% to -70%: works
    • CPU Speed -60% to +0%: doesn't work
What still strikes me as a bit odd though is that the whdload demo in low latency seems only sensitive to "too high a speed". With that result one would expect the demo also to crash when running fastest possible without vsync at full CPU speed (+0%), but then it works.. This could be a pointer that there's still something in the fastest possible and low latency algorithm that's causing some instability/incompatability.

Maybe it can be of help, so I've gone back to the 2.4.1 beta series (again using the same config) and found that with 2.4.1 beta 1 to beta 6 this demo did work in fastest possible mode at full speed and low latency vsync. Since 2.4.1 beta 7 and onwards it doesn't work anymore. Hopefully this provides a clue as to whether this is indeed a pure slave timing issue, or whether there's an identifiable issue with the current fastest possible low latency implementation, that keeps it from having the same level of compatibility as fastest possible mode with no vsync / legacy vsync.

Originally Posted by Toni Wilen View Post

Beta 7:

- DirectDraw full-window mode on non-primary monitor was blank.
- Adjusted (again) fastest possible CPU mode extra CPU time scheduling, trying to find balance between better timing syncronization and not causing unnecessary slowdowns on some systems..
- OCS Denise bug emulation update, PAL STREQU counts are 8 (short field) or 9 (long field) lines, not static 9 lines. (Probably no program cares)
- F11 in gameports/input test mode shows next page (if list is longer than visible area).
- Manual display positioning X coordinate offset fixed (Filter panel or gfx_center_horizontal_position) Origin should be hardware position 0 (same as sprites), not first possible visible position.
- Fastest possible low latency vsync should work better again (b2), plus some other adjustments done, CPU throttling supported.
- Autoresolution worked badly in some situations.
- Removed USB_DEVICE_ID_RETRO_ADAPTER from USB "quirks" list, apparently it is working correctly according to firmware sources. (Perhaps older version was wrong, not exactly sure why it was included in Linux HID quirks list)
- Save also selected monitor name (gfx_display_name) to config file because order of displays can change when removing or adding monitors or replacing display cards.

Last edited by Dr.Venom; 12 June 2012 at 01:20.
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