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Old 17 May 2012, 16:04   #13
Toni Wilen
WinUAE developer
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Originally Posted by Dr.Venom View Post
Ah you've taken the green pill . That's a very nice card. Wouldn't know if it supports interlace. It should if you can connect through HDMI ( as that supports interlace (1080i). I tried to replicate it with my ATI through HDMI and I can set my desktop to 1080i interlace mode, by selecting 25hz or 30hz in the windows screen resolution panel.
Right, 1080i does work, even via DVI.

And now I finally found the problem that caused blank screen in D3D mode if mode is interlaced. D3D refuses to show anything if mode is interlaced but ScanLineOrdering = D3DSCANLINEORDERING_PROGRESSIVE. (I thought it was ATI issue but obviously it could not be anymore..) Still not sure why it only causes blank screen, no error codes or anything.

Next beta will also support resolutions that have both progressive and interlace refresh rates. (like 1920x1080)

Still debugging interlace sync problem..

Possibly as a backup plan, if the above doesn't work (and assuming you also won't be having access to real interlace anytime soon again). Would it be possible to have the interlace code from 2.4.0 brought in behind a commandline switch? As that 2.4.0 code was tuned to work very well with a real CRT..
There is no "interlace code". It is part of the vsync stuff that has changed.
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