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Old 10 May 2012, 21:25   #1
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Check4GB difference between SFS and PFS-020ds


A query that has driven me quite mad for some time now.. I'll start from the beginning.

I got 2 amiga 1200s lately which I put 40-60 gig HDs in. For a start, I made a little 1.5GB boot disk and the rest DH1. Format with SFS and all is good in WinUAE. Also good on both amigas with IDEFix and I've been enjoying them for a week or two.

Then I read about PFS3 and figured I try that. Feels a lot faster in WinAUE when copying stuff so I plan to switch to that.

I take an exactly the same HD (have spares) and set it up with exactly the same parameters, only this time, I use PFS-020ds since I read that direct-scsi works good in 1200. Format with pfsformat drive dh0: name System quick
Do the same for DH1:

I use the correct mask and similar and they do show up with their correct name (No "Custom File System").
Made this guide I go by and use the PDS/03 for my PFS3-020ds file in L:
PFS\03 = 0x50465303
PDS\03 = 0x50445303
SFS = 0x53465300
Mask = 0x7ffffffe (There are 6 f’s)
MaxTransfer = 0x1fe00
Blocksize = 512

No problemo to boot from or similar. However...

I can not get Check4GB to approve of the DH1 partition though. Depending on how I configure WinUAE (3.0, 3.1 roms / Chipset Extra Generic or A1200 / Disk set to UAE or IDE0) it just comes up with different results. Sometimes its * N, usually * N T.

I put it in the real A1200 and it says just *

So I play around with this for about a week. Trying different patched scsi.devices or IDEFix etc. No change.

So for fun I take the same HD and just change the partitions to SFS again. Check4GB now says OK!

So, I should give up and go for SFS? Ignore the error?

I tried ignoring the error but when I try to copy my 4-5 GB of data to DH1: it always craps out and give me random errors. Gurus or most often a PFS/3 error message. So I guess you should trust what Check4GB tells you if its not OK ("DO NOT USE IT").

Any ideas what I've missed here?

Thanks in advance!

Last edited by Turran; 10 May 2012 at 21:49.
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