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Old 05 May 2012, 19:13   #4
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Originally Posted by demether View Post
Personaly, I'm trying to build a dedicated linux (dual booting with AROS) machine to run exclusively classic amiga programs, mostly creation apps and 060 demos.

The computer used is a athlon 2400+ 1gb ram nvidia geforce fx5600 128mb.

With winuae, JIT enabled (and big buffer), 040 with max speed emulation, I obtain a really decent emulation of a 060 (comparing demos running on real 060). I don't want to use windows xp, even if winuae give me the best results.

With e-uae, with same settings, the speed is not as good as winuae (around a good real 040), but the biggest issues are the screenmodes and scaling (as I explained on another topic).

With FS-UAE, screenmodes and autoscaling works really great, and most of the aspects of FS-aue are superior to e-uae in my opinion, not speaking of the fact we can run it on a open source linux system. But the speed performance is far from the 2 other emulators. A waaayyyyy slower. I believe it's caused by the lack of JIT.

For what I know in the amiga communities I am, there is a crowd for powerfull amiga classic emulation. Not for gaming, but for all the other things amiga can offer. I know people like me who wants to create machines booting directly on amiga classic system (like people -as myself also- do with mamecabs, virtual pincabs and stuff like that, recycling old PCs), to have a high specs classic amiga without spending the €€€€ needed to built such a computer. Since we want to use dedicated PCs for that purpose, we don't care about 64bit compatibility.

So the question is : is a fs-uae JIT enabled version will be available one day ?

thank you !
I have a simular system to you (execept GFX card), WinUAE runs full speed on my desktop even without JIT.
Spose it can only be the GFX card letting it down (and maybe the 1GB RAM).

I also find E-UAE full speed in linux.
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