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Old 24 April 2012, 13:49   #8
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Aaargh, that's annoying!

I just double-checked that the problem does still happen in Windows Vista with 2.4.1b10.

I noticed that sometimes, if I change mode (normal → ll vsync → legacy vsync → normal → ll vsync etc.) several times, on changing back to ll vsync there is no slowdown. So it doesn't happen all the time. And as far as I could tell, once it works without slow-down with ll vsync, the slow-down does not happen again even after resetting with Ctrl-A-A. You need to quit and run WinUAE again for the slow-down to happen again. My laptop screen refresh rate is 60Hz by the way.

When you tested the disk image, had you just run WinUAE and loaded the config, or had you already started emulation with different settings, then loaded the config and reset?

Could this be related to the graphics driver? When the Amiga output is interlaced, does WinUAE access the texture differently from the non-interlaced case? If there is a difference, and it's slower than the non-interlaced case, if WinUAE doesn't take that into account maybe its timing calculations could be affected???

Last edited by mark_k; 24 April 2012 at 13:55.
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