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Old 16 April 2012, 10:21   #4
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THere were worse and better cases. Rob Hubbard's re-arranged C64 music always sounded tremendously poor, noting the importance of the SID's timbre in Hubbard's compositions.

I wouldn't say the issue would be the Amiga's way of replaying a sample, rather than they usually take the tune and use NEW instruments for them. For example, if the Amiga tune had a DX100 bass sound, they might go and replace it for something totally different, like a Nord Modular bassline.

A friend of mine is taking his old Amiga tunes and replacing all the samples with better, higher quality versions of themselves, wherever possible. He went and resampled as much as he could.
The result is fantastic and doesn't loose the characteristics that made the original what it is.
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