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Old 12 April 2012, 11:26   #3
Global Moderator
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Might as well be WORK :(
Age: 57
Posts: 4,110
You could of joined the EAB Facebook page.... You would of read this

EAB went offline due to server issues late on Saturday night 2012/04/07
and has since been offline. RCK, the Admin of EAB, has since reported :-

07th April - Server apache process grow up from 200 to 600 in 4 hours, I
don't know if it's a bug a one attack, services went down.

07th April - Apache Hit/s were ok, and mysql select queries were stable,
so I don't think it's one attack.

08th April - First hardware reboot done, useless.

09th April - Second hardware reboot done, useless.

10th April - Nothing more can be done with external access, I will have
to go to Netcenter and check if hardware/software is broken.

10th April - I plan to go to netcenter tomorrow.

Sites including HOL (Hall of Light), AMR (Amiga Magazine Rack), Winuae,
Classic Workbench and possibly a few others have all been effected
too, as these sites also use the server, you will be redirected
to the IRC internet relay chat server page if you click on any
links effected.

If you visit and check the Live Box, RCK will
post new and up to date information as and when he can, we will also
endevour to keep you up to date as soon as we here anything too.
Also, if you would like to speak to someone from the EAB/
communities, why not join the IRC channel using Mibbit by clicking on
the Web access frog image, or use one of the alternative IRC software
programs below that, or even one of your own using ' port
6667'. Please use a username and not the 'WebGuest###' generated
one, preferably the same one you use for EAB, as this is a more
friendlier way of joining IRC.

We, the admins, thank you for your patience and hope this Important
message will help resolve any queries that you may have had. We
hope to be up and running on EAB and all sites very soon.

Once again, thanks for your patience...
DH is offline  
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