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Old 15 March 2012, 12:56   #309
FS-UAE Developer
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Location: Førde, Norway
Age: 43
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Originally Posted by Foul View Post
Just retested and without button mapping no longer works
so i copied the x_box_360_pad.ini button mapping in it and now it's ok
i'm using under Workbench to test all buttons/joy/mapping
config/logs attached
Good, I'll bundle a mad catz config in the next version!

Originally Posted by LePiaf View Post
Just discovered this emulator - great idea and great work ! Do you need help with coding or something else?
I have received several offers of help (thank you everyone!). The help that is most useful to me know is just having people test the emulator and reports problems. Especially when new versions are released (test new functions, test stuff that is supposedly fixed, etc, and report if stuff that worked earlier is broken). I currently feel coding help will not be that helpful, since I would probably spend more time coordinating that help than doing it myself ;-) -at least at this stage.

(But perhaps I should create a email list or something where I could register people willing to help? So help is easy at hand when I need it?)

Originally Posted by Foul View Post
Yesterday, i was watching some Amiga demos on youtube, and i pressed F12 to quit at the end...

Originally Posted by browniesrgut View Post
(...) But I was thinking, what about a(beautifully integrated to the interface) file brower that would let you choose the (hard-)disk file, like that :

F12 -> DFx -> Beautifully integrated to the interface list of files instead of floppy_image_x setting in conf file.
You are not the first to request this, and I have answered it earlier. I am not against this function on principle, but I think this function should be based on an actual need, and therefore we also need to discuss what it is supposed to achieve. I see several possible needs this function could fullfil:
  1. Swapping floppes during the game (this is what floppy_image_x is designed for, not changing games)
  2. Changing game on your desktop/laptop computer -by changing floppies and using reset, or to start a game "quickly" bo booting a diskless config and then inserting disks for the game you want to play.
  3. Changing game on a HTPC -by changing floppies and using reset, all using a gamepad from a distance.

I don't now what you want to achieve, but assuming it is 2 or 3, yes, a disk browser could help with both these points -but some games also need other configuration options, so it is not a complete solution.

For point 2, I think the need is better fulfilled by a launcher application with a traditional GUI, since you would also be able to change config etc (and I have no plans to embed a full configuration UI à la WinUAE into FS-UAE - I only plan UI for changes that *need* to be done after starting the emulation).

For point 3, I think it would be better to put work into a nice fullscreen game browser (controllable with a gamepad, just like FS-UAE) -something like this: (this is an actual screenshot from my own unreleased frontend, not a mockup).

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