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Old 07 February 2012, 18:52   #58
FS-UAE Developer
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Originally Posted by P-J View Post
I got it working now, but it it is extraordinarily slow. Is that a known issue?

Runs A500 at about 10fps(ish).

//edit : Using official nVidia binaries on Linux w/Twinview enabled. Could that cause an issue?
TwinView should not cause this (but it can cause 50Hz detection to fail). -The nVIDIA drivers _could_ be a problem. I have two linux computers, both with nVIDIA drivers. The laptop, running Debian stable (with older nVIDIA drivers, I suppose) works perfectly, but in 60Hz, and 50Hz with perfect scrolling when connected to a 50hz TV. Then I have a (more powerful) computer running the latest Ubuntu release, and vsync does not work properly - and scrolling is rubbish. Here I have the newest nVIDIA drivers and there is possibly a driver problem with vsync. Anyway, it is nowhere near as bad as what you describe.

* First, of course, double-check that you have working 3D acceleration
* Secondly, try turning off Compiz / compositing if you have something like this enabled
* Try running it in full-screen if you have not already
(the last two points are related to getting direct rendering instead of indirect rendering)

(I also now assume you actually have enough horsepower to run the emulation)

If nothing seems to help, try pressing CTRL+F10 - this enables a debug overlay. A screenshot of this could help me see where the problem lies.

I have just created a google code project where I can maintain a list of outstanding issues. Could you create an issue there with such a screenshot and also with the complete log from fs-uae?
Here is the link:

Regarding vsync: There is two levels of "vsync" in fs-uae:
(1) sync to monitors vblank interval - this is used to get no tearing, and is always enabled
(2) the emulation is synced to the display's refresh (also implies (1)) - this is need to get perfect scrolling, and needs a 50Hz display for PAL games. (1) is always enabled, and (2) is enabled if the display is detected as 50Hz.

I think I will add an option to allow you to override this behavior, with the following values: "off" (no vsync at all), "vblank" (sync to display's vblank interval only to prevent tearing), "full" (force full synchronization with emulation) and "auto" (current behavior). (However, this will only help you if vsync is the culprit somehow). Also, if you have a 60hz display and run 50Hz games, syncing to vblank isn't that important anyway.
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