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Old 05 February 2012, 02:46   #20
FS-UAE Developer
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Originally Posted by Mequa View Post
Nice. Is this based on PUAE source for cross-platform capabilities?
No. I wanted the most up-to-date emulator core possible, so I started with the WinUAE code. I then removed features and massaged the code until it compiled on Linux. The WinUAE code (even some of the core UAE emulation code) is quite Windows-specific (and Visual Studio-specific) nowadays.

Anyway, to be able to incorporate updates from WinUAE regularly and with ease, I have coded fs-uae with as little changes to the WinUAE code as possible, among other things with a lot of defines to "translate" windows-specific code to POSIX. If could solve something with a define, I probably did it (so I had to make minimal changes to the code from WinUAE).

Earlier, about a year ago, I used additional code from E-UAE and PUAE to get the Linux version up and running (video, audio, threading code, etc). But when the emulator evolved, I wanted to have fs-uae instead of WinUAE on my Windows box as well, and for several reasons, I started writing libfsemu (which handles video, audio, and input for fs-uae).

Some of the code borrowed from E-UAE/PUAE is therefore now removed again, but there is some code from E-UAE and PUAE left still, and they are credited the README and startup notice.

The cross-platform capabilities codes from the fact the UAE was originally cross-platform, and libfsemu which handles platform-specific details (with good help of SDL and glib).

When the ball was rolling, I threw in Mac OS X support for good show

The UAE/WinUAE code is somewhat messy (GCC gives a lot of warnings), and I would like to clean it up a bit, but it is also good to be able to copy changes from WinUAE easily. (I will probably ask Toni if he would accept some cleanup patches at some time).

Last edited by FrodeSolheim; 09 February 2012 at 16:10. Reason: Clarification about PUAE/E-UAE updated -was more PUAE code present than I rembered at first
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