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Old 31 October 2011, 20:29   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Plymouth UK
Age: 46
Posts: 11
Hello from a 30 something Geek...

Hello EAB

Name's Snowy aka Paul, Im 34 now, Had my first Amiga when I was about 15 ( iirc )
The 1200.
Stupid me at the time got rid after about a year so I could get some audiophile gear.

Anyway Fast forward about two years to now ( Its two or else lmao! )

And Ive just snagged an A600 for my son ( ok and me too )
Came with a box full of "Working" software, Hmmm? Maybe not on that account...
I have managed to get one demo and about three games to load, The rest I give up on, The floppy drive either won't read them at all or it does & goes back to the kickstart screen or it gets to the boot screen then crashes or hangs.

Now, over the years Ive self taught myself how to build pcs and can build and repair a pc now no probs.
Ove the last 12 months however I switched to Mac as I just got so fed up with MS and 'Doze that I made the switch.
Haven't looked back!
However, I know next to nothing about Amiga hardware/software etc so this non-noob is gonna need some noob help lol!

Here are my main questions for now...

How long roughly should a game take to load? ( some will be reading and making all that funky floppy noise, But screen is blank for some time )

Is there a list of Floppies that don't need Relo Kick ( hope i have that right? ) that work on the A600?

I need Workbench 2.5 & 3.1, Has this site got a for sale section?

While Im on about what I need, Im also after a Kickstart 3.1 chip

Ok so what do I have planned?......

For my sons 600 I'm waiting on a few bits Ive ordered...

CF HD kit with installation software.
CF Pcmcia reader.
And an unopened dust cover.

What I still need to get / Am weighing up for the 600...

ACA 630?
VGA card?

For me ...

Im going to get myself a refurbished A1200 from Amiga Kit ready to go out of the box

And I have an oldish pc on its way from my mother in law, So Im going to strip it, Rebuild it, Upgrade the ram, Cooling etc whatever needs doing really,
& Will install Amiga OS on it, OS 4.0 I think?

Anyway, Ive bored you guys enough now So Im off for a browse to see if all my questions are already answered on the boards lol!

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