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Old 01 October 2011, 18:25   #16
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I have a question. As a test, I did this:

                    section             data,bss
bitplane:           dcb.b               10240,0
Which assembled with no errors and a code size of 10240 bytes.

I also did this:

                    section             data,bss
bitplane:           ds.b                10240
Which again assembled with no errors but again with a code size of 10240 bytes.

Now, bearing in mind this:

Originally Posted by StingRay
Outside of a BBS section, ds.b and dcb.b is exactly the same, the size of the allocated memory will be added to the executable. In a BSS section (where you can only use ds.b) only the size of the allocated memory will be stored (hunk header), i.e. size of the executable won't change except for the entries in the hunk header.
I would've expected to get an error for using dcb.b on the first test and a code size of 0 on the second test. Or have I missed something or done something wrong...?
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