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Old 27 August 2011, 17:14   #20
Sending You Back In Time
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Hmm ok lets see if we can clear this one up...

I think the problem here is a misunderstanding of what EAB allow and what they dont and i got confused initally as well.

When i first read PaulyQ's post i didnt absorb it but did look on the EAB server and the first thing i saw was a collection of CD32 games. My response was posting.."PaulyQ may be right" which Graham read as support but it was more written as surprise...Perhaps i should have written...( OMG !! PaulyQ may be right )

This was because i read the link graham left and it said... "It is illegal to distribute kickstart ROMs or Workbench disks " but i saw the invisible words Games and ADF's as well...Honest

Of course it does not mention them at all !! ....And as TheCyberdruid stated they are in they are no longer supported or sold...

PaulyQ..In your Defence yes for example Alien breed does have a copyright there can be no denying that but it is not supported or sold and if the owner wishes it removed they will do so....The magic word here was TOLERATED

I dont think of it as Hypocrisy though just rules with a bit of give and take thrown in....I misread the rules and made my own assumpsions maybe you did slightly as well...Now i understand them better there is more leaway than i thought so its not so bad....Take a moment...have a think...its all got way over the top now.

Dont get me wrong either....I think all roms etc should be free for all of us...we put in our time and supported the amiga till the end....Restrictions on 20 year old machines is stupid we are all trying to keep it alive....But i cant Blame EAB for that...Their hands are tied as well

BTW..Thanks for all the photos Guys...

Last edited by synchro; 27 August 2011 at 19:25.
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