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Old 27 August 2011, 01:07   #14
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Join Date: May 2006
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Age: 53
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Again, reading the rules is even in your join email, so why don't you do it next time before talking bollocks?

I read rules, I know things are tolerated, please do not insult my intelligence, but there was no need for for a personal attack, your a global mod and this is bang out of order!!

I'm not going to flame for no reason, I just think that instead of chastising a member in public (which was wrong), a better way to do it would have been to offer a solution to his problem, and on top of that it could have been done via PM.

I am not a child and don't like being spoken to like a pleb, I know what is on the server and although "tolerated" it doesn't make it right. Never knew Lightwave 5 was free, so I'm not talking bollocks, you just need to check the server before having a go at me about copyright material!!

Really sorry to go OT but this needed to be said.

Synchro, I'm not trying to hijack this thread at all, the "loader" works well for what you have done so far and I would like to offer my support in anyway I can to get this up and running, would love to know what SDK you are using and how it works to help further this and other projects. If Forever Amiga can do it and make money, you never know a good front end like this could do wonders!!

2 wrongs don't make a right - Igonorance is not a defence in the eyes of the law!! Copyright is copyright.

ergo.... Lightwave is copyrighted, WB is copyrighted, KS is copyrighted................. where is the line drawn??

Last edited by TCD; 27 August 2011 at 13:02.
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