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Old 07 August 2011, 22:26   #47
Posts: n/a
Hi All,

i've just recomplied the PUAE for Android. It links fine, it starts [probably] fine, im getting these nice messages about version, authors, etc, SDLGFX finds proper gfx mode, it scans through gfx mode 3 times (just as the Linux version ive compiled before), it does a hardreset, starts m68k, and then nothing, simply black screen .

I did some additional login in the blitting/video part, and it seems that screen gets updated frequently, so it looks that the emulation is working (no core dumps, etc.), but the only thing i can see is a black screen. My suspicion is, that it is the moment where it shows this 'insert disk to drive' animation/splash, but how to check it? I mean, how to check, that the actual emulation is working (and that is only a problem with display/rendering of some kind)? Also any suggestions, what might went wrong that the screen is simple black? I chosen to compile with no gui. Maybe a dumb type of questions, but I dont know PUAE internals that much.

Any hints appreciated .
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