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Old 30 April 2011, 15:30   #19
Da Digger :)
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As a graphic artist, I can say that the best scanning resolution (I know, it's BIG) is 600 dpi for color/greyscale images.
They can so be correctly treated with descreening utilities (the best I know of is the one by Sattva), with optimal results. Then they may be downscaled @ 300dpi, "cleaned" and archived.

So, if you're starting a big scanning "tour-de-force" (for example you, AmigaDave ), I WARMLY suggest you all to do it @ 600 dpi! Then you can save each image as JPEG with medium compression and upload it.

I will gladly offer my experience about treating those scans...

P.S. I'm doing a similar work with Sinclair ZX Spectrum inlay cards and cassettes, but I have a few original games. It would be so nice if somebody could help me by sending me scans of his games...
All Spectrum scans on the Internet are low-resolution, so I wanted to contribute in changing this situation if possible...
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