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Old 21 April 2011, 21:44   #18
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Originally Posted by mfilos View Post
Btw, I saw that in Rockersucker's video he had an extra window (like the one that you choose the resolution) that you could also choose Audio channels! Why didn't I get such a window?
There should be a tooltype about auto-dettecting audio, just set it to "FALSE" to get that requester. I use it to be extra-sure that AHI is using Paula as a default just in case there's any sound related issue while testing, but actually you just don't need to mess with it in most cases (save you're the lucky owner of an extra audio card!)

I'm having some easter days off and moved to the nice village of El Escorial, where I've just locked myself in a flat with everything I could carry at the super-market and am right now watching a spectacular night-view of the spring storms at the mountain. Boy, I needed this! That also means I won't be back in the Big City with my real miggys until next week (Oh No!! ) but I know these latest versions will surely rock!

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