Thread: A1200 online
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Old 02 April 2011, 07:06   #12
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Sorry it took so long..
Darn work keeps getting in the way of fun.. ;-)

Anyway, as long as I disable javascript and don't want to search, the file server works pretty good on my A1200 with ACA1230/28.
Browsing the directories and downloading is pretty quick.

I couldn't search, I'm guessing that's because the javascript kept timing out...
(Well, I could search, I just never got any results.. )

There are LOTS of files in some directories (i.e. whdload), as a-z was in one page..
But I was surprised how fast it loaded, considering that..
DLd the Babylonian Twins demo and it was pretty quick.
Haven't tried to expand it yet, but it DLed fine...

For browsing, it works fine. Just no search for me with AWeb or iBrowse..

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