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Old 08 March 2011, 17:07   #30
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Originally Posted by TheCyberDruid View Post
Let's not discuss the charity organisation David has chosen here. If you don't want to support it, I think that's fine with David.
Originally Posted by bippym View Post
Let's keep this on-topic and surely if it is worth paying for this game then does it matter where the money goes as long as it isn't for criminal intent!
It's strange that two moderators would jump on me for keeping on topic when David himself said:

Originally Posted by DJCruicky View Post
It’s for Cancer Research. Tell me if you feel that is a good idea.
I was telling him if I felt it was a good idea. Otherwise, I wouldn't have said anything.

Originally Posted by bippym View Post
Cancer Research is the largest Cancer Research Charity in the UK. They are looking into research for the cures for Cancer and not actually financing the pharmaceutical companies. The money goes directly to them afaik.
On the Cancer Reasearch UK "Our story" page, they proudly state their achievements:

Our vital work is behind many important drugs, such as:
  • tamoxifen and herceptin – which have saved the lives of thousands of women with breast cancer
  • temozolomide – used worldwide to treat people with the most common type of brain tumour
  • carboplatin – one of the most successful cancer drugs ever developed.
A quick look at the Wikipedia entry for tamoxifen shows:

Global sales of tamoxifen in 2001 were $1,024 million.[57] Since the expiration of the patent in 2002, it is now widely available as a generic drug around the world. Barr Labs Inc had challenged the patent (which in 1992 was ruled unenforcable) but later came to an agreement with Zeneca to licence the patent and sell tamoxifen at close to Zeneca's price.[58] As of 2004, tamoxifen was the world's largest selling hormonal drug for the treatment of breast cancer.

This is just one drug - over a billion dollars in sales in one year. Now, where do the profits from the sales of these drugs go? Do they all go back to all the Cancer Research charities? If so, they wouldn't really need private donations now would they?

I'm only replying to your comment, not going on a tirade. I'll not talk about it anymore. I respect David's good thoughts of giving for charity.

Now, let's get back to talking about Alien Fish Fingers.
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