Thread: Colour fading?
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Old 13 December 2010, 18:25   #5
Ya' like it Retr0?
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I had a

Source (live pallet)
Dest (the pallet I wanted to get to)
Static (the Pallet I need to go back to after dest transitions)

At one point I would have a couple of Destination Pallets to transition to - kinda brute force in a way and a little more memory than should be needed for most single colour fade transitions - but at one point I would have an anim running with fading back and forground colours - I have to admit I was a strange kid back then =)

I should mention I was doing all this in C (Dice/Lattice) not ASM, but if memory serves me I tweeked the hell out of the routine after I compiled it to ASM.

I should also point out that I did write a IFF/ILBM picture loader viewer that would fade in and out and then grab the next pallet... .... whoa.... this was nearly 15 years ago.... I wonder if I still have that code?
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