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Old 02 September 2010, 21:52   #1
Amiga Forever
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Smile updating Amiga back in 90`s?

This was interesting reading from Dan Locke who know about amiga on why they didnt update the amiga back in 1991!

Have good read...

Let's see here. The original chipset was state of the art until 1987, when the 256-color PCs and Macs were released. Commodore had a 256-color chipset two years later that would have brought the Amiga up to date. Gould and Ali canceled it because they wanted the R&D money for themselves.

Then, Commodore started work on the AAA chipset, which would have given the Amiga the power of the 3DO in 1991. Gould and Ali canceled it because they wanted the R&D money for themselves. The Amiga became even more dated.

By 1993, the original Amiga was a joke next to 486 PCs and PowerPC-based Macs, so Gould and Ali finally relented and let the Amiga be updated - with a chipset that was years out of date. The result was the 1200, which had only 2 MB of RAM and a 68020 processor. Even the SNES, released two years prior, outperformed it in every way.

So Commodore failed because Gould and Ali kept the Amiga stuck in 1985 - until 1993, when they made it closer to 1987.

What could have be if Amiga had AAA Chipset and sell them....would have Doom run on New AAA Amiga say back in 1991/1992?
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