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Old 26 August 2010, 14:29   #1
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New WinUAE set-up - what should I do?

So after years of never sorting this out properly, I've finally decided to do this.

I want an easy-to-use set-up for playing games on WinUAE. The less clicking and playing with configurations the better.

I have three config files that work great for A500, A600, and A1200. My original idea was to dump all my ADFs into folders and just load whichever config then load the game.

But then I found KillerGorilla's WHDLoad games. I have a licensed WHDLoad, so these sound great.

Would simply having an A1200 set-up with a virtual drive filled with the KG games be easy to do? Would I just need to do a bog standard install of Windows 3.1 (?) or should I go for something like AmigaSYS? Basically, all I want is an easy front-end for playing games reliably - and I very nearly bought Amiga Forever for this purpose, but decided I should try to do this myself instead.

Any words of advice? Thanks!
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