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Old 24 May 2010, 19:23   #9
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Originally Posted by Mequa View Post
Not a game which runs in DosFellow, however DosFellow itself works with the DOSBox emulator, achieving almost full speed on my dual core 2GHz Win7 machine.
Not bad for an emulator running on an emulator! You can even add filters such as scale2x and hq2x.

Perhaps DosFellow could be added to the DOSBox compatibility list, which also includes some other MS-DOS based emulators (such as for NES).
DosUAE also works with DOSBox (but is slower of course).

Now it is possible to run a modified Windows 9x install in DOSBox, so I might see if I can run WinFellow and an older version of WinUAE in it, and compare the speed of the 4 Amiga emulators under emulation...
Windows 3.1 and Win95 run perfect on Dosbox. I have not tried or searched for Windows 98 But I don't think it would be possible. Installing 3.1 and 95 is really easy, its getting the graphics drivers and sound to work thats a bit of a pig. But there are loads of guides online with all the files needed attached to the pages to get them working. I forgot why I first installed 3.1 I believe it was because an old FMV game called Frankenstein needed it.
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