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Old 28 July 2001, 02:12   #2
Join Date: Mar 2001
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Age: 48
Posts: 112

Sure you can use the search box, but I have to tell you the code you are using is WAY off (dating back to 1999 Jambo! I think! )

The new code you should use can be created for you on but MAKE sure you change the form action FROM

as I will be changing hosts soon-ish (it's not up yet, but it will be soon)! Also if you use the advanced features you can change many things in the search results page!

As for the reviews, they are excellent! I envy you for have the willpower to create such in-depth reviews like that, for so many games! I only ever write reviews when I can be arsed (and that's not very often! )

Hope this helps!

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