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Old 15 April 2010, 20:55   #16
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I have just replied to him:

Hi Michiel,
Thank you for your kindness and generosity. The Amiga community will certainly thank you a lot for your noble gesture, in fact, they are already pretty enthusiastic and thankful about this possibility.
How I wish you would still be developing Amiga software, PFS4 would have probably been such a great product!

Back to some answers: Aminet is the current source of Public Domain Amiga software, it is reachable at

It should be no serious problem to retrieve the source files from your floppies. With the help of Adfread 1.1 you will be able to read Amiga formatted floppies using "2-drive trick" on Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 PC. You may download it at
If not, there are other alternatives, and of course, you can always send the floppies to me, and I may retrieve the files for you. Anyway, I have even contacted some very skilled Amiga users, that have special hardware, that may even recover the files for you if they are somehow damaged or seem unrecoverable.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you go on with this endeavour and please keep me updated on how things are progressing.

Kind regards,
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