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Old 15 April 2010, 19:13   #1
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PFS3 is soon to become FREE and opensource

I sent an email to the creator of the widely known Amiga Professional Filesystem, Michiel Pelt, and he seems to be willing to share his creation with the entire comunity, and he is also willing to give away the sourcecode of it. For further details what follows is an email exchange we had, and will keep having

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Ignacio <> wrote:

Hi, I am sorry to bother you with this ten year old stuff. The thing is that I have bought PFS 3 Amiga filesystem solution a couple of years ago.
It is great sofware for Amigas, and since you have been in the past a great supporter and developer for this now small Amiga community, is that I dare ask you if you could please allow me to put these files on the Public Domain, so that they are freely available to everyone. I would also add if you think it is necessary, that you wont provide any suport whatsoever, and not be liable for any damage at all.
By the way, if at some point, you are willing to give out the sources of this excellent software for non commercial purposes (If you still have them), that would be even better.
So please, just say yes.

Thank you for your time,
Ignacio gully


"Michiel Pelt" <>
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"Ignacio" <>
Hi Ignacio,

For me it are good old times. How different things would be if the
Amiga platform had been in capable hands. I remained hopeful for a
long time. I even have a complete design of PFS4 on the shelves, but
eventually I gave up on the promise of a future for the Amiga. I
think it is great an Amiga community still exists though.

About your request. Yes, I think it is about time to make PFS3
available in the Public Domain. However I must think about the license
to use. Can you tell me what the main public domain channel for the
Amiga is these days?

I do still have the sources but I don't have an Amiga - my A4000 was
broken beyond repair and is gone now. I can't release the sources
without one because I have to make clear instructions of how to set up
the build environment and build PFS which I can't without being able
to verify. I guess I'll have to set up a WinUAE environment but then
there is the problem Amiga floppies cannot be read. I still have the
compiler, the workbench etc, but it is on floppy. So this is not going
to be easy. As you still are in the Amiga community, perhaps you have
some ideas.

Michiel Pelt
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