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Old 30 October 2009, 06:14   #7
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I use 250 watt a power unit from PC. Also I tried to connect another, 300 watt a power unit, the same result. I think that matter is not in a power unit.

Capacitors - I too have thought of them. Outwardly they look well, leaked out are not present. You can point, which should be changed? (where they on a motherboard?)

Originally Posted by kipper2k View Post
If replacing the caps dont work then i would suspect a cold solder joint on the motherboard. I have used a hot air rework blower to reheat all the pins on Agnus and the other IC's to fix similar issues in the past. I would start with Agnus and do one side at a time, its a slow process but if you fix it then it is worth it.
After breakage I tried to deform a motherboard, to press on chips, taped their contacts, etc., but have not noticed, that it somehow influenced work - no changes existing. If another does not help, I will try to make it.

P.S. I used this Amiga 3 years, it worked perfectly. Then it has sometimes ceased to start up. Then more often. Then even more often (but thus if it was started could work as much as necessary without problems before the first turn off (and can before the first reboot - I do not remember already)) and in the end - has absolutely ceased.

P.P.S. Thanks for answers
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