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Old 02 October 2009, 01:10   #30
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Rome / Italy
Posts: 26
First of all, I think that your posts in that discussion are pretty useless, but this is jusm my honest opinion. As I saw you arrived, raised hell but still don't leave. Disappointing...

However getting back to the discussion the reason has been given times and times, but I'll repeat it again:

since WinUAE try, as all the softwares, to satisfy the larger range of users possible, there's a little part that may want to use WinUAE as a virtual enviroment. In that way, once WinUAE is configured and Windows ripped off (follow my guide) you'll not need anymore to interact with configuration or windows and floppys can be mounted via uae-app (freely downloadable via aminet).

So this is the point, maybe couldn't be a big update for most of the people, but believe me that the one that are tired of the slow speed of good old Amigas and want to recreate a total new powerfull enviroment, will welcome that modification. I know that Toni doesn't want to make WinUAE the new Amithlon because he thinks that WinUAE is just an emulator but I think that, as all softwares, it can be more than that.

Now I hope is clearer

P.S.: Demon, sorry for the first lines of the post but I ain't no saint... nothing personal, my friend
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