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Old 13 September 2009, 09:57   #17
Toni Wilen
WinUAE developer
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Originally Posted by Shadowfire View Post
Toni - here's a little background information on MAC addresses.
I do know that

Needless to say, if you have devices on different ports with the same MAC address, you will have serious network problems. This is also why nobody in their right mind exposes a NIC's ability to choose a new MAC address to the user.
Even Windows nowadays allow manual MAC selection.

Your proposed solution (00:80:01:XX:XX:XX on emulated side only) seems like the best compromise between compatibility and network safety.

Edit: Just saw that last part of your last post. That would definitely solve the problem. It is probably best to pass the real MAC address thru to the Amiga side, as I would be pissed if my network software was lying to me about the MAC address. Add-in 10/100/1000 NIC's are incredibly cheap, anyways.
It would never work because a2065 driver would just ignore the packet because it does not match 00:80:01:XX:X:XX. (00:80:01 is Commodore's MAC address range)

Hmm.. I guess using 00:80:01:XX:XX:XX in outside world would work if nic is set to promiscuos mode, not that it would solve any mac collision problems, user could have networked Amiga with real A2065 and there is only 16M mac adress space Better have collisions inside emulation only than in outside world where it can cause major problems.

and after all, this is emulation, better keep emulation as compatible as possible, including mac address
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