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Old 23 July 2009, 14:03   #5
Thalion Webshrine
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Jochen was one of if not THE pioneer of software Audio mixing. He was the first to create a seven voice routine on the Amiga. A routine later used by Chris in his Turrican music. Which is why Jochen is credited on Turrican 3 having long since left games programming.

Little known fact is that he did almost all the Thalion Amiga ports. He was their number one Amiga coder for a long time.

He must have produced more music for more games in the 90's than almost any other games musician and countless Atari ST demos. Just a shame that after his compulsory military service he never returned to games.

IMO the music he did for A Prehistoric Tale was his best "classic" work. The intro music still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

He has a CD called "Give it a Try" published by Thalion.

Last edited by alexh; 23 July 2009 at 14:11.
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