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Old 23 July 2009, 12:04   #4
Precious & fragile things
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Location: Victoria, Australia
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Originally Posted by rjm View Post

I have an A2000 running WB3.1 that I would like to add to my network. I am currently using Amiga Explorer via serial and finding it slow and restricted to my PC. It would be nice to run SAMBA to talk to shares on the Vista and OS X machines.

What do people think of the X-Surf 3 cards? They seem quite expensive but appear to add 2 IDE connections too which would be useful as currently the machine is SCSI only. Presumably I could use these for CDROM, hard drive or CF cards?

Anyone have experience with these cards? Are there alternatives? Are they worth the A$200 price tag?

Thanks for any advice.
I too was interested in the X-Surf card, what I can tell you is this;

1. Can be tricky to set up, but using the standard software, avoid Samba like the plague, you can connect and easily to a PC or router, setting up various shares and alike, I have my PC running a single directory that the Amiga can see, so if I want anything to download to the Miggy, I just go to Aminet and go mad. The software, once it's setup and the card are pretty solid.

2. I too thought the IDE ports would save me from needing a burner for the Miggy, nope, not to be, in regard to the SCSI issue, get a SCSI to IDE converter, rather cheap and solves the problem.

3. If you get stuck, I've had every f*** up that the card can produce, so whatever your problems in setup, I already know the answer

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