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Old 24 May 2009, 01:31   #14
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i beleive it had to do with ram speeds or something. the 3000 could accually access its ram faster then the 4000 could.
again this is stuff i just remember reading on the web when i first bought the 3000 so i can't vouche for it completely.

here, i found the link, its at the bottom of the article

also being able to do VGA right out of the box is anouther big plus for me with the 3000.

my big problem is probibly being in the US. the amiga was popular here but nothing like it was in UK/Europe. so its harder to get parts here and generally it seems at a higher price. all the accelerators i've seen on ebay here are pretty pricy. and usually the shipping from the UK + exchange rate makes most purchases not worth it.

ok, looks like one of the ZIP DRAM blocks poped (first pic on the right) out and the pins are bent. i put it back best i could but still nothing. could that be the problem?

click on them to enlarge

Last edited by sovietconscript; 24 May 2009 at 04:39.
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