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Old 19 May 2009, 14:40   #5
move.l #$c0ff33,throat
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Join Date: Dec 2005
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First, if that's for a trainer you can't use these absolute $cxxxxx addresses as I think you want your trainer running on all machines, not just A500's with fake fast. Also, as Ports of Call is a systemfriendly game (that's at least what I remember from playing it some 20 years ago) you shouldn't use any absolute address patches. The game can be loaded anywhere in mem depending on the amount of Chip/Fast ram available etc. What you will have to do is:

1. load the executable using LoadSeg()
2. find the offsets/hunks you need to patch
3. patch
4. run
5. profit. ;D

If you don't want to modify the disk at all you'd obviously have to use a full filename including the diskname (e.g. POC:main) so AmigaDOS would request the disk then. As I don't want to spoon-feed you (and because I'm at work) I suggest you try to load and start the executable using LoadSeg. Once you managed that you shouldn't have any problems to patch the game. Feel free to ask if you get stuck.
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