Thread: Teenagent PL
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Old 10 March 2009, 13:10   #73
Posts: n/a
The game was originally released on pc. They made polish, english and czech versions. Later there was a cd version with voices and a bit improved gfx.

I made amiga versions after gfx got upgraded a bit but before voices were recorded (voices are really crappy in my opinion anyway). AFAIK there were only polish versions released for Amiga. Initially AGA (that one got cracked) and later ECS (not cracked AFAIR). Union or whatever that was called planned to release english version but as far as I know, they never did. This english exe is a beta (code is final, just texts are not). It contains english text from original pc version (very crappy translation, full of bugs) with just some fixes from 1 or 2 english testers. After I left amiga scene, I gave full game sources to Union and they made their cd version, I had nothing to do with that one. I don't think czech text was ever ported to amiga.
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