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Old 06 December 2008, 11:07   #1
Canyon Matt
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Super Denise Upgrade / CDTV


I just picked up a spare CDTV and am now trying to follow in the footsteps of all the gang here who have pimped theirs out! I am going to upgrade the Agnus, Denise, RAM, and Kickstarts, as well as build a converter box to have the RGB output changed scandoubled and changed to VGA.

The super denise was the first thing to show up and the installation seemed to go well. (Proving its always good to double check the instructions as Paula is the exact same size as Denise, which I realized after pulling Paula).

My question is this? Are there any demos or programs out there, preferably on a Fish Disk, or a CDPD disk that I can use to verify the Super Denise functionality? Can this be done under WB1.3? Can it be done while the CDTV output is still to a TV?

Any help would be appreciated!


Canyon Matt
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