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Old 02 December 2008, 16:57   #1
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[Found: Mercenary] Fairly niche vector graphics FPS

Well, it wasn't really a first person shooter, more of a free-roaming exploration thing. It's only a vague memory of mine, but I'll try to explain...

It's just vector graphics, and the game starts with a long intro sequence consisting simply of you crash-landing on a planet. On-screen, the planet is just a coloured circle that gets bigger until it fills your view, while radio communications (or was it space-ship warning systems?) pop up as text basically saying "crash imminent" and so on.

You 'wake up' in a vector-line city on the surface of the planet, near your spaceship which is stuck nose-first in the ground. Nearby there is a (working) aircraft, which I always used to just steal and whizz off in, to the annoyance of the owner. A few other aircraft would scramble and attack you for it, which I'd shoot down. I remember you could fly really high up and see the whole city, line-drawn below - or fly outside the city limits, although there was nothing to see.

That's about all I can remember, I was too young to play it properly. It was possible in some places to take big lifts below the surface, walk around a few subterranean bunker-style rooms, 'talk' to other people/computers inside who would give you stuff that was probably related to the storyline, as well as hijack other craft that looked similar to the aircraft but couldn't fly, just go along the ground.

Due to the vector graphics it looked quite distinctive, but that's hard to describe in words. Any help would be appreciated
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