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Old 07 September 2008, 06:46   #12
Posts: n/a

I've found a lost section of Amiga Realm called AmiPal. Which was run by Paul Laycock in 1999. He did software, hardware and games reviews.

(not yet uploaded)

Also, something els dawn on me this morning. There is software on Amiga Realm that is password protected in RAR, either because its commercial or personal, etc. It was uploaded in case someone desperately needed to a request for and had damaged their originals, but required proof before file could be unlocked. Only problem is I can't file the PASSWORDS. Doh!

Also I think Amiga Realm actually dates back further to 1996 not 1999, I've found coded dated 96 and 97. I also remember some guy at wanting me to shut down my site or else legal action was to be taken because I was using the name Amiga Web Directory, which he claimed was his. Although the Amiga name is a brand trademarked name. Well anyway he wouldn't stop moaning so it became 'An Amiga Internet Directory Service and Archive Resource'. Then I archived his site onto mine without him knowing (heh).

There were also secret areas of AR that could be accessed via the search engine facility. One of them was a tribute to the original TV series 'The Bionic Woman" 70s.

Last edited by SkippyAR; 07 September 2008 at 06:53.
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