Thread: AmTelnet
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Old 02 September 2008, 21:39   #8
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I ended up doing the same, though I got, for quite an affordable price, a 3.0 CD and a separate 3.1 update. I don't have a CD drive in my Amiga, so I installed it in UAE in my PC and moved the necessary files manually (or at least tried to).

But I'm now having a problem with AmTelnet 2.4 where it closes down on its own within a minute when I start it, connect to my PC and leave it alone. It stays around longer if I do things with it, but eventually it dies. It just says Connection closed and quits.

Analyzing the network traffic reveals that its looks up and sends it an udp packet to port 8888. In return it receives an error message over icmp about an unreachable port. I can't tell for sure if this coincides with the closing of the connection, but thats what it does afterwards.

The netconnect keyfile appears to work. I opted out from registration in the setup wizard - since its probably no longer possible and the instructions say its optional anyway - so I doubt its trying to call home for any kind of verification.

"" suggests it may be trying to find out if there are newer versions available. Perhaps it is a feature that needs to be disabled somehow? It may also be that I've neglected to move something important when copying the files, or that my approach to installation is unworkable in the first place.

Is your AmTelnet working correctly? What version is it?
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